Looking to showcase different projects that I have taken on. From fundraising efforts, to app development, to other various work projects that have provided me with a lot of great experiences.
As the years have passed, I noticed that I have spent most of my life stateside. In an effort to change this, I have decided to venture out to see the world and blog about my travels. Click here to see where my journeys have taken me.
Various Topics
As my mind wanders through various thoughts in a wide variety of topics, feel free to follow me and gain a better understanding of who I am.
Since 1993
Why I'm Online
Having reflected back on my life and what opportunities have come my way, I feel remiss that I never really kept a journal for posterity to know who I am. As such, I have decided to look back on my adventures and post stories from my life to give a digital portrait of myself so that I might be remembered later on as one who truly lived.